Under your Settings (left menu) > Edit Centre > Invoicing > Reconciliation tab, tick the Finalise Invoices Automatically option.
This will update and finalise your draft invoices (upon creation) automatically. On your invoices, the status of the invoices will be on awaiting payment, and the Email option is enabled already.
How to add carry over balance from another SMS:
1. Add Carry over balance directly on invoice:
Once the first invoicing round is ready, you can go to each child’s draft invoices, edit the invoice and add a new fee on the invoice.
- Click on the invoice and click Edit at the top right of the invoice.
- Add fee > Select “Carry-over balances from another SMS” as this fee will already be added to your centre’s account by default.
- Click Save.
- Now the invoice will have an additional line item. (Current period invoice + Carry-over balance).
2. Add carry over balance with the first cycle of fees and generate invoice
- Go to the child’s records – Menu >List View/ Quick Links > Children
- Select Child > Accounts and Fees tab > Add New Fees button
- Add New Fees: Select fee from dropdown – Carry over balance from another SMS
- Fill in all fields as shown below:
- Select the same date as the fee which is already created to add carryover balance to the same invoice .
- Select one-off button to generate fees only once.
- Save and continue
- Once the invoices will be generated, you will be able to see the Carry over balance fee you have added.
- You can also recreate the invoice with the Carry over balance on it here: Menu > Finance and Accounts > Update and recreate invoice.
From the left menu, access Finance and accounts > Accounts > Go to the Invoices tab.
The invoices automatically generated by the system will be in Draft Status by default.
To Finalise Invoices:
Or to do it in bulk:
- Click the Invoice number checkbox and select the Draft checkbox and click on Finalise Invoices button.
- The invoices in Draft status will change to Awaiting payment status
- Select the Email option to email the invoices and receive payments from parents.
To receive payments:
- To pay an invoice, select the checkbox of the finalised invoice then click the Receive Payment and fill out the fields.
- We can apply payments to finalised (Awaiting payment) invoices only.
This pop-up will show you if the payee is in credit as well.
You can also finalize the draft invoices generated automatically after creation. Go to the Settings left menu > Edit Centre > Invoice Settings. Tick the ‘Finalize invoices automatically’ option.
You can send account statements for each of your accounts through the Transaction list.
It displays all incoming and outgoing transactions that occur within your service. This list is displayed per payee and it can be further narrowed down using the date selection filter or whether you are after Invoice or Payment transactions.
Menu > Finance & Accounts > Transaction List tab
- Select a payee from the drop down to narrow your search
(Click on the WINZ records to view all the WINZ transactions)
- Print, Email, and Export options
- Print and Export will allow you to print the list and export it out to Excel accordingly.
- The email option will allow you to send the list and email to the parent/payee.
Credit Notes
Menu > Finance and Accounts > Accounts > Credit Notes tab
- Select the filters and click Search
- Click “Show used credit notes” to view used credit notes and on the References column, you can see the invoices linked to the credit note/s.
- Click the CN number to view the credit note.
How to add a credit note
On Credit Notes tab > Select Add New button
Use Credit notes on the invoices
- You will be asked if you would like to allocate from credit note.
Under Invoice tab > Select Invoice Number > Receive payment > Mark Checkbox > Allocate from credit note on the pop-up > Add
Credit note payments will be deducted from the total pending payment amount and the invoice will be updated as paid.
Menu > Finance & Accounts > Invoices
- Receive payment for any invoice.
Under Finance & Accounts > Update /Recreate Invoice
- Select the invoice period and child name of above paid invoice.
- Click on Update/Recreate Invoice
Warning message is displayed, if the invoice for the selected period is in paid status.
Click on Cancel button to cancel recreating invoice
Click on Proceed button to update/recreate invoices.
- This will remove the payment and update/recreate and the invoice is in Awaiting Payment status.
- If payment reference on the invoice is removed, the received amount is treated as overpaid.
- If the invoice was paid using a credit note, the removed payment will be seen under credit notes
Menu > Finance & Accounts > Invoices Tab
Select filters and click on Search button
Print, Email and Export options are available for extracting the Invoices further.
- Print and Export will allow you to print the invoices and export it out to Excel.
Email Invoices to parents;
- Email option will allow you to send the list in an email to the parent/payee.
- Select Invoice number checkbox and it will select all the invoices on the current page
Selecting Email button > Email Detail invoice
- Selecting will give you pop-up which includes Invoice number/ Payee name / Payee’s email id
- You can change Invoice footer or keep the same
- Send button will send invoices to the email id’s present on the list