You can add a new booking schedule with multiple timings for a day.
- For this click the add a new booking button, enter booking effective date and effective until date, select timings and click the ‘Add New Time’:
- If child is eligible for 20 Hours ECE, you may add the hours accordingly
- Please note that the 20 Hours ECE value for each day will get replicated for Slot 2 by default. System will still calculate FCH for both slots even if attended hours are different for both slots.
- Click Save Booking to finalise.
- An additional section for adding new timings will be displayed as below.
- Enter the multiple timings for the day as required:
For the days, where the child is attending in multiple slots, the attendance marking sheet will show their record accordingly:
Once attendance is marked, you can check under the Funding Analysis Report regarding the FCH claimed for that day.