- From the list, view Click on Children
- Double click on the child’s name to enter their record
- Click on the Booking tab
If a child has left your services but is now returning, follow the below steps.
From the child’s details page update the status to enrolled. This will display a Re-enrol button. Click on re-enrol child button.
From the child details tab, update the child status to left, graduate or any other items from that list
- The System won’t allow you to change the status to prospect or Waiting
- If you are starting the new enrolment by ending the previous, there is no need to update the status for a child
Add Booking schedule on the Booking tab.
Click the Add New Booking button, select days and times as required
Once booking is created, the attestation form will get downloaded automatically to your computer and you can get it attested/signed by a parent.
Add booking will pop-up; fill out all required details and Save.
You will be able to choose until when the booking is effective:
Until child turns 3 and Until child turns 5 – these options are autopopulated by the system
Select date – Manually add/select the estimaed end date
- More information on how to work with bookings on this link: New Booking Changes
Updating a certain week or adding temporary booking
The Booking view displays all the enrolments of child, and the Weekly view displays the breakdown of weeks (preview of 11 weeks). With this, you can update a certain week for a temporary booking easily.
Access the Weekly view, and double click on the certain week. Update the changes and click Save. Make sure to download the change of booking form as well.
Printing the Re-attestation form
Select a booking and on the actions button, click the Reattestation form button.
You can also select a specific week only or if you have added a temporary weekly booking. Change filter to Weekly view and select the week. On the Actions button, click the Reattestation form button