What does it do?
This is a decent forecast tool that provides you with a summarised view of bookings or vacancies for a selected time period.
Booking Forecast Report includes filters for Daily, Sessional & Hourly roll selection.
How to access this Report?
Left menu > Reports > Under Booking and Attendance section > Booking Forecast Report.
Booking Forecast Daily – Bookings will list the total no. of children booked for the day and the staff count based on the no. of children booked.
Booking Forecast Daily – Roll will list the total no. of children booked – No. of children who are absent on the day and the staff based on the no. of children listed in the roll.
Booking Forecast Sessional– Bookings will list the total no. of children booked for morning and afternoon session and the staff count based on the no. of children booked for each session. The calculation for session is based on the Midday Cutoff set under Centre Settings. If no value set, it will take default value as 12.00 noon to get the children in morning & afternoon slots. If Midday Cutoff is set, the calculation is done accordingly.
Booking Forecast Sessional– Roll – Morning session will list the total no. of children booked for morning session – No. of children who are absent during the morning session. Afternoon session will list the total no. of children booked for afternoon session – No. of children who are absent during the afternoon session.
For eg:- if a child is booked for 8:00 am till 5:00 pm, the child will be counted in both the sessions and if the child is absent for the a day, morning & afternoon sessional roll will deduct this child from the total no. of children booked.
Booking Forecast Hourly – Bookings will list the total no. of children booked for time slot of 1 hour each and the staff count based on the no. of children booked for each time slot.
Booking Forecast Hourly – Roll – will list the total no. of children booked for each time slot – No. of children who are absent during the particular time slot.
For eg:- if a child is booked for 8:00 am till 5:00 pm, the child will be counted in time slots starting from 8-9am till 4-5 pm and if the child is absent for the a day, hourly roll will deduct this child from all the time slots from 8-9am till 4-5 pm. The staff count will be displayed as per the children count.
Booking Forecast 30 mins – Bookings will list the total no. of children booked for time slot of 30 minutes each and the staff count based on the no. of children booked for each time slot.
Booking Forecast 30 mins – Roll – will list the total no. of children booked for each time slot – No. of children who are absent during the particular time slot.
For eg:- if a child is booked for 8:00 am till 5:00 pm, the child will be counted in time slots starting from 8-9am till 4-5 pm and if the child is absent for the a day, 30 mins roll will deduct this child from all the time slots from 8-9am till 4-5 pm. The staff count will be displayed as per the children count.