What does it do?
This report displays the summary of each child from the opening balance, total payments, finalized invoices, WINZ subsidy, closing balance and booked hours within the date range selected.
How to access this Report?
Left menu > Reports > Under Finance section > Child Account Summary Report.
Select a week for which you like to generate the report and click on Submit button.
Report details:
- Opening Balance –Outstanding balance as on the date selected (except WINZ)
- Receipts – Total Payments received within the dates selected.
- Week Amount – Total of all finalized invoices (except WINZ invoices) where the Invoice Creation Date is within the week selected
- WINZ Subsidy – Sum of WINZ subsidy applied on all the finalized invoices where the WINZ Invoice Creation Date is within the week selected
- Closing Balance – (Opening Balance + Week Amount) – Receipts
- To include WINZ, select the ‘Include WINZ Amount’ check box at the top of the page.
The report is available in
- Excel