What’s New

Added Footer to Weekly Attendance Sheets and Weekly Staff timesheets:

Now there is an option to add a footer to weekly attendance sheets and weekly staff timesheets. It is primarily applicable to Home-based services.

Read more: https://helpguide.juniorlogs.co.nz/knowledgebase/how-to-add-a-footer-section-for-weekly-attendance-sheets-and-weekly-staff-timesheets-home-based/

Child’s Preferred Surname is included on the Attendance Marking sheet:

We have made changes to include the child’s preferred surname (if added) on the Attendance Marking Sheet. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the issue with Credit Note Creation for new centres without any invoices.
  • Fixed $0 invoices not changing to Paid.
  • You can now navigate through more pages when viewing all Contacts through the List View.