What’s New

Changes on how to refund payments

  • You can select which overpayments and credit notes you can process for a refund and to start with, you can find the Refund Payment button under the Transaction List page.

  • All the overpayments and Credit Notes under a child’s account will be listed, and you can select these payments and process the refund one at a time.


  • Once the refund is processed successfully, you can find the Refund information on the Payments page under the References column.
    • Refunded- <Refunded amount> <Refund Type>, <Remarks>

For more information you can refer to the help guide: https://helpguide.juniorlogs.co.nz/knowledgebase/how-to-process-refund-payments/


  • The header Information (Title, Centre Name, Week Details, Centre logo) are displayed when generating the printable on the Roster page: Daily Planner, Weekly Planner, Weekly Timesheet.
  • Deleting Enrolments updates:
    • You can delete enrolments only if the child has multiple enrolments.
    • To delete an enrolment which has attendance or booking, it is required to delete those attendance/booking before deleting the enrolment.