What’s New


Auto-reconcile payments/ credit notes

Read here for Auto-reconciling of the credit notes


New global discount field for Absence

Set up a blanket absence discount on your Hourly fee. It eliminates the need to individually apply the discounts while marking the absences.

Read here for new global absence discount


Working with Holidays

Read here on how to add holidays and other areas where it gets applied

You do not need to worry about the National holidays, they are all looked after by the system. We are talking about Regional or other holidays.


Option to start weekly timesheets on any other day except Mondays

Read here on how to set up the option to have your timesheets start on any other day except Mondays.


Bug Fixes


WINZ Invoice Payment – Wrong message on overpayment is fixed in case of WINZ subsidy rates are applied to the fees.

Fixed the issue with not allowing to clear booking timings for a day if all the related attendance are removed from the system.

When editing invoices with flat discount amount, they will now show correct amount.