What’s New

Added mobile responsiveness to email messages  

It is now easier for your whānau to read their messages on their mobile phones due to Message Centre enhancements 


On the daily and weekly sign-in sheets, it will say Happy Birthday for your
tamariki who’s celebrating their birthday on that day/week. 🙂

Enhancements to the Medical Report

We have enhanced the Medical Report and changed it to Allergy and Medical Report. We have added more information and columns. By default, it will just show you the Allergies and Special needs or medication required information. When you tick the “more details” checkbox, the doctor’s name, clinic & address and contact number will be displayed, and the 3 categories as well. These category columns are retrieved under the health tab of the child’s records.

Enhancements to the Enrolment Status Chart

Under Insights tab on your Dashboard, you can find the Enrolment status chart. We have enhanced this chart, and now it will show up the previous 11 months or for the past year along with the current month at the rightmost.  


Other Updates:

Added booking validations based on child’s age