How to mark roll/attendance:
From the left Menu, go to Attendance > Attendance Marking
The page will update all booked children for the day.
- Select Educator, Session and Date.
- To sort the children’s list: Click the small arrow icon beside the Child header and select your preferred sorting, then click Apply.
- To edit: The pencil icon allows to edit the categories as required
- To change timings: Timings can be changed from Time In/Out field
- To save/mark attendances: Click green check to save and submit
- To mark absences: Tick the checkbox under the Absence column and select the Absence reason.
- To delete: Click on the edit pencil button then click the red bin icon to delete
- Submit header: Click on the small arrow icon for Bulk marking : Mark All > Apply.
- If attendance is already marked, it will show the pencil icon and we can edit if needed and submit.
- To update attendance to absence: Click on the edit pencil icon, then click the checkbox under the Absent column and submit.
- Kiosk timings: It can be copied over to the Time In/Time Out to finalize attendance by clicking on the arrow and select Submit.
Actions button
- To show all enrolled child: Tick the checkbox on the Actions button to display all enrolled children for the day.
- To print daily or weekly sign-in sheets: Click the Print option and select accordingly.
How to remove “Remarks” column from the attendance marking sheet layout.
1. Settings > Edit Centre.
2. Click the Enquiry and Enrolment tab and go to the ‘Sign In Sheets’ section.
3. Enable the option ‘Remove Remarks column’ and save the settings. This gives you wider columns for better readability and parent data input.